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Stone Age


A fun filled day centred around the Old Stone Age (Paeleolithic) and all things Prehistoric!


Andy Lawrence (workshop leader) is the Artistic Director of Children’s Theatre Company – Theatre of Widdershins – and has been performing shows and running puppet making and storytelling workshops in schools for over 25 years.  But before all the “arty stuff” he was going to be an archaeologist and has always maintained a passion for pre-history.  He is a fully qualified teacher with DBS certification and is a Culture Provider for Bedford’s Culture challenge initiative.


Art + Creative Writing
The day will start with a storytelling show – “Ug, Bug & Dug” – a self written tale of three cave dwelling brothers who go in search of fire, meeting prehistoric beasts ( a mammoth, woolly rhino and a giant elk) en route.  This could be for up to 90 children (3 classes).

The rest of the day will be dedicated to delivering one long workshop (to just one class size) or three short workshops (3 classes) on either Art or Creative Writing.

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