These three stories are the individual tales from our touring show 'Three Billy Goats Gruff & Other Furry Tails' (see shows) but have been adapted for small audiences and small venues. These shows are mainly available to schools/community groups and libraries in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and some parts of Hertfordshire, Bucks, Northants and Essex. We may consider other areas but there will need to be an extra cost added for travel and accommodation.
They can also be performed at festivals if mains electricity is provided.

Three Little Pigs
Iggy Piggy, Wiggy Piggy and Ziggy Piggy are driving their Mum, Belinda, mad. They've got to leave home. What will happen to them in the big, wide world. Will they be able to make a house and get in before the big, bad wolf finds them?
Beautfiul short puppet performance (20 mins). Suitable for festivals, small spaces, outdoor fetes or libraries.

Three Billy Goats Gruff
Big brother billy goat gruff, middle sister billy goat gruff and little brother billy goat gruff are the smartest goats of the bunch... but will even they outwit the troll who lives under the bridge?
Beautfiul short puppet performance (20 mins). Suitable for festivals, small spaces, outdoor fetes or libraries.

Goldilocks & the Three Bears
When fiercely independent Goldilocks runs away to the deep, dark woods she comes across a house which she just has to explore. But who can possibly live there?
Beautfiul short puppet performance (15 mins). Suitable for festivals, small spaces, outdoor fetes or libraries.